検索結果 3 件

Samuel Newlands.Oxford University Press2018.<HD171-B9>
  • 内容細目Introduction; 1. Spinoza Studies Today;...... A Roadmap; 1: The Desiderata of Perfection; 1.......Plenitude; 3.1 The Nature of Attributes, Modes, and Expressing; 3....... Plenitude; 4. The Limits of the PSR; 5. The Metaphysics of Perfection, Then and Now; 2: Spinoza's Conceptualis...... 1. Trouble in the Spinozistic Paradise; 2. The Conceptual to the Rescue; 3. A P......nce Monism; 1. The Task of Metaphysics 2. The Case for CDM2....... Eliminativism and the Nature of Grounding; 2.6......sing Causation and Inherence; 3. ......vating CDM; 4: Spinoza's Metaphysics of Modality; 1. W......cy, Necessity, and Conceptual Sensitivity; 2. Sp...
  • 件名Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677. Me...
  • 資料の内容に関する注記'Samuel Newlands presents a sw......interpretation of Spinoza's metaphysical system and the way in which h......hysics shapes, and is shaped by, ......ry metaphysics and ethics, Newlands reveals just how exciting and vibrant Spinoza's philosophical outlook remai...
