検索結果 2 件

Laurent Mayali, Pierre Mousseron, editors.Springer[2018]<A121-B267>
  • 要約等...s in customary law. It includes ......butions by scholars from various legal systems (th......Israel, Canada etc.), who examin......s of customary law on various as......cts of private law, constitutional law, business law, international law and criminal law. In addition,......ncept of the rule of law, and argues that lawyers should no......s on statutory law, but should i......tices on "real legal life." It s......ditions in our legal systems - t......eing not to replace statutory law, but to complement it with customary observa...
  • 内容細目...NDATIONS Usage et légitimité / Ma......ERAL CUSTOMARY LAW Tradition in the French legal system : ou......Aurélie Brès La délimitation ......ights / Crystelle Sanchez-Saëz Usages et contrat-type /......ONAL CUSTOMARY LAW L'usuel et le droit fiscal / Lise Chatain The role of custom in Rule 144A capital markets transactions ...... Eric Rakowski Les usages du pou......exécutif sous la Vème république / Éric Sales Political con......experience / Arlette Slomiansky Droit pénal et usages : entre flux et reflux / Marie......dino Customary law and the domai......federal common law today / Amanda L. Tyler PART IV. INTERNATIONAL CUSTO...
  • 件名Customary law. LAW / Essays. LAW / General Practice. LAW / Jurisprudence. LAW / Paralegals & Paralegalism. LAW / Practical Guides. LAW / Reference. .......08 sources of law.
