検索結果 1 件

2015-11-13Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology31 1p.269-289
  • 要約等<jats:p> In the adult mammalia......, self-renewal of tissue stem cells is regulated by extracellular niche envi......in response to the demands of tissue organiz......on. Intestinal stem cells expressing Lg...... self-renew in their specific niche at the crypt bottom t......rapid turnover of the epithelium. Niche-regulated stem cell self-renewal i......In vitro niche reconstitution capitalizing o......ge has enabled the growth of single intestinal stem cells into mini-gut epithelial organoids comprising Lgr......p>+</jats:sup> stem cells and all types of differentiated lineages. The mini-gut organoid cultu...... various types of digestive tissue epithelium f...
  • 件名Cell Biology Developmental Biology
  • 参照...le and Capable of Forming Gut and Liver Organoids Gastroenteropa......plasms: genes, therapies and models Overview of Basic Mechanisms of Notch Signalin......ves Intestinal Stem Cell Proliferation ......d Regeneration of Damaged Epithelium SNAIL2 con......icity and chemotherapy resistance......n Vitro Growth of Proximal Colon Organoids through a Reti......ism Intestinal Stem Cells and Immune Cell Relationships: Potential Therapeutic Target...... expression in the intestinal stem cell niche controls epithelial regenerati......-Cas9–Modified Organoids Somatic cell-derived organoids as prototypes of human epithelial tissues and ...
