検索結果 1 件

2009-02-27Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University54 1p.37-40
  • 要約等Quantitative variation in seed set following artificial self-pollination has been recen......y demonstrated in Lilium longiflorum. Pollen tube behavior and seed set in self-pollination in the species were investigated to c......fy whether the variation is caused by self-incompatibility or early-acting inbreeding depression. The self pollen tubes were arrested in the style of the individuals that failed to set selfed seeds, and total number of pollen tubes observed at the base of the style tend......espond to that of obtained selfed seeds. It indicates that decrease of selfed seed number in L. longiflorum is caused by self-incompatibi...
  • 関連情報Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, K......shu University || 54(1) || p37-40 九州大学大学院農学研究院紀要 || 54(1) || p37-40 http://www.agr.kyushu-...
  • 出版者(掲載誌)Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Universit...
