検索結果 2 件

2004-10-01Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University49 2p.467-475
  • 要約等We devised an improved electrokinetic remendiatioin method in whoch an auxiliary electrode was placed at ......thode-side end of the soil to be treated. Th...... anode and the auxiliary electrode was fixed cons...... auxiloary electode was controlled to make the auxiliary electode function as ......condary anode. To test the performance of the method, we......cale remediatioin experiment on cadmium-contaminated soil, in which the electrodes and soil etc. were arranged in the following order; anode|anolyte|soil-auxiliary electorode|electolytic diaphragm......on exchange resin|catholte|cathode. During 112h of the treatment, the n...
  • 関連情報Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, K......shu University || 49(2) || p467-475 九州大学大学院農学研究院紀要 || 49(2) || p467-475 http:......kyushu-u.ac.jp/index.html
  • 出版者(掲載誌)Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Universit...
