検索結果 2 件

2005-03九州大学工学紀要65 1p.15-28
  • 要約等In this paper, the structure of a time-of day travel demand forecasting model system is discussed. A short-time Origin-Destination [OD] model is constructed to estimate traffic volume in each time class during a day. A short-time traffic assignment is also proposed considering some trips do not always arrive at a destination within the same time class and link into the next phase. Also, sequential short-time modal split must consider traffic conditions of each time class. Therefore, joint modal split and assignment model is constructed. In these models, time distributions and trip-length are required. These models are analyzed considering dif...
  • 件名Short-time OD Joint modal split and assignment model Person Trip Survey
梶田, 佳孝, 外井, 哲志, Kubo, Yuho, 辰巳, 浩九州大学大学院工学研究院2005-03九州大学工学紀要65 1p.15-28
  • 件名Short-time OD Joint modal split and assignment model Person Trip Survey
  • 関連情報Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University || 65(1) || p015-028 九州大学工学紀要 || 65(1) || p015-028 http:......o.eng.kyushu-u.ac.jp/memoirs-eng/top.php
