検索結果 2 件

Haruka Sasaki, Terukazu Kawasaki, Tetsuro Ogaki 他<Z19-997>健康科学 = Journal of health science / 九州大学健康科学編集委員会 編27 2005p.41~48
  • 要約等To clarify the role of ethnicity and lifestyle in Type 2 diabetes, we reanlyzed the results of a study originally done in 1990 at the Jawalakhel Tib...... refugees camp and suburban Bhadrakali in Katmandu. A total of 539 Tibetan immigrants in Jawalakhel 20 ......r participated in this study, consisting of 236 males and 303 females, vs 121 males and 165 females wh......osition, Newar and Parbate Hindu) in Bhadrakali. Bl......fter overnight fasting were frozen for analysis in Japan. Not only the anthropometric......, total energy intake, and maximal oxygen......max), but also the fasting insulin and fructosamine were recorde...
佐々木, 悠, 川崎, 晃一, 大柿, 哲朗, 小林, 繁, 伊藤, 和枝, 吉水, 浩, シャルマ, S., アチャリア, G. P.九州大学健康科学センター2005-03-25健康科学27p.41-48
  • 件名Diabetes mellitus Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) Prevalence Tibetan immigrants Katmandu Nepal
  • 関連情報健康科学 || 27 || p41-48 Journal of health science || 27 || p41-48 http://www.ihs.kyushu-...
