検索結果 3 件

2009-12-21九州大学工学紀要69 4p.187-202
  • 要約等By using the Monte Carlo si......we investigate the critical behavior of the 1-dimensional spin system with infinite long-range (LR) interaction r^{-(1+σ)}. By changing the value σ, we compare the results with those of the d-dimensional spin system with the nearest-neighbor(NN) interaction only. In the case of XY spin model, we obta......nsitions, i.e. the mean field typ......0 < σ < 0.5 , the σ-dependent no......at σ = 1 as in the NN model of d > 4 , 2 < d ......spectively. In the case of q-state clock spin model with σ = 1, we also confirm the BKT-like transition together with the similar q-dependence of the critical behavior to that...
  • 件名Phase transition Dimensionality Monte Carlo simulation XY spin model q-state clock spin model Long-range interaction BKT transition
高本, 雅裕, 村岡, 良紀, 井戸垣, 俊弘九州大学大学院工学研究院2009-12-21九州大学工学紀要69 4p.187-202
  • 件名Phase transition Dimensionality Monte Carlo simulation XY spin model q-state clock spin model Long-range interaction BKT transition
  • 関連情報Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, K......shu University || 69(4) || p187-202 九州大学工学紀要 || 69(4) || p187-202
