検索結果 2 件

Shuichi Komiya, Chieko Eto, Keisuke Teramoto 他<Z19-997>健康科学 = Journal of health science / 九州大学健康科学編集委員会 編23 2001p.31~39
  • 要約等The risk of excess fat appears to be greater in individuals who have larger subcutaneous fat measurements during childhood. Ho......velopment of a subcutaneous fat mass (SFM) is difficult to define because it is...... study was to investigate SFM in young children by measurement......dy were to examine the differences in SFM between bo......girls, and the interrelationship......anthropometric indices (e.g. skin-folds and skin-fold ratios) or total body fat mass (TBFM), in a homogeneous ......oup of healthy young children. SFM was determined from anthro......ance analysis, in a sample of 14......" group was defined based on a body mass index...
  • 件名body mass index anthoropometrics skin-fold subcutaneous fat mass
小宮, 秀一, Eto, Chieko, 乙木, 幸道, 寺本, 圭輔九州大学健康科学センター現代健康科学23p.31-39
  • 件名body mass index anthropometrics skin-fold subcutaneous fat mass
  • 関連情報健康科学 || 23 || p31-39 Journal of health science || 23 || p31-39 http://www.ihs.kyushu-...
