検索結果 2 件

1982-10Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University27 1/2p.47-53
  • 要約等In the Japanese greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus fcrrumequinum nippon, copulation took place in mid- or late O...... ovulation was induced early in April. The principal site of sperm storage was the caudal isthmus of the oviduct, lined with non-ciliated cpithelium, although ...... small numbers of spermatozoa were found also in the intramural part of the uterotubal junction. The intact spermatozoa in contact with the microvilli of epithelial cells in folds in the storage sites appeared......me degenerated spermatozoa were eliminated by extensive epithelial engulfment throughout the period of storage; leucocytic phagocyto...
  • 件名Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon Sperm storage Oviduct
  • 関連情報九州大学農学部紀要 || 27(1/2) || p47-53 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, K......shu University || 27(1/2) || p47-53 http://www.agr.kyushu-...
