検索結果 2 件

浅野, 周作, Choi, Cheolyong, 石山, 健太郎, 工藤, 真二, Gao, Xiangpeng, 林, 潤一郎American Chemical Society2019-11-01Energy & Fuels33 11p.10913-10922
2019-10-11Energy & Fuels33 11p.10913-10922
  • 参照...lytic Activity of Potassium duri......CO<sub>2</sub> Gasification of Char Control of Reactivity of Formed Coke from Torrefied Bi...
  • 参照Effect of SiO2 on loss of catalysis of inherent metal......species in CO2 gasification of coke from lignite Kinetics of the Reaction of Carbon with Ca......on Dioxide CO2 gasification performance an......ytic mechanism of Zhundong coal char Kinetic studies of char gasification by steam and C......n the presence of H2 and CO Kinetics and Mechanism of CO<sub>2</sub> Gasification of Chars from 11 Mongolian Lignites CO<sub>2</sub> Gasification of Sugar Cane Bag...... Understanding of Kinetics and Catalytic Roles of Inherent Metal......es Examination of Kinetics of Non-catalytic Steam Gasification of Biomass/Lignite Chars and Its...
