検索結果 4 件

2006-10-27Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University51 2p.261-264
  • 要約等Exposure to radiation causes various...... detected both in the exposed animals and their offspring. In the silkworm, Bombyx mori, many studies in somatic and genetic effects of radiation have been conducted using various doses and qualities of radiation sources, because of their usability for mutation induction. However, differences in sensitivity to radiation among silkworm strains remain unknown. In the present study,...... resistant strains (p50 and m042) and two sensitive strains (f12 and m91) for γ-irradiation by screening genetic stocks of B. mori maintained in Kyushu Univers......aduate School. In reciprocal mating experiments...
  • 件名Silkworm strains Radiation resistance Maternal inheritance γ-irradiation reciprocal mating Animal Science 動物学
  • 関連情報Journal of the Faculty of Agr......shu University || 51(2) || p261-264 九州大学大学院農学研究院紀要 || 51(2) || p261-264 http:......kyushu-u.ac.jp/index.html
2006Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushuu University 51 2p.261-264
