検索結果 2 件

Mei-Fun Kuang, Kazuhiko Nojima<Z74-C323>九州大学心理学研究 = Psychological research of Kyushu University4 2003p.295~305
  • 要約等This study is focused on the mental health of female in Taiwan with different sexual orientation using the Internet as the r......t the same sex orientation female in Taiwan are feeling more stress for being female and lesbian in the family, school and work. However ...... to seek the professional psychological help and medication. Th......an gender role in order to have more understanding about the rel......an sub-culture and mental health. The result sh......but the lowest mental health concerns. On the other hand the pure lesbi......e highest rate of mental health problems.
Kuang, Mei-Fun, 野島, 一彦九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院現代九州大学心理学研究4p.295-305
  • 空間的範囲台湾 Taiwan
  • 件名メンタルヘルス mental health 性的指向 sexual orientation 女性 female ジェンダー役割 gender role 台湾 Taiwan
  • 関連情報九州大学心理学研究 || 4 || p295-305 Kyushu University psychological research || 4 || p295-305
