検索結果 2 件

PAWEL PACHCIAREK<Z65-A964>Journal of Asian humanities at Kyushu University2:2017.Sprp.1-14
  • 要約等This essay engages an often-proposed inquiry into ties between the creative world of Kusama Yayoi and certain philosophical ......tems. Although the artist frequently explains her actions as self-birthed and devoid of any context, we can nevertheless discern a distinctive closeness between Kusama’s creativity and those philosophical and religious refe......ces. I explore the presence of such references in Kusama’s works, first considering Kusama’s artistic universe from the perspective of Western philosophy. He......nese artist coming to New York in the late 1950s, Anaximander’s ancient Gr......ek philosophy, and Nietzschean philosophy. Next,...
  • 出版者(掲載誌)[Fukuoka] : Kyushu University School of Letters
Pachciarek, PawelKyushu University, School of Letters, Graduate School of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities現代Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University2p.1-14
  • 目次・記事1.The Arche of Dots 2.Face to......ce with a Pumpkin 3.Infinity Nets 4.Gorilla Lady 5.Mindfulness 6.Self-Obliteration=E...
  • 件名Kusama Yayoi 草間彌生 philosophy 哲学 Zen Buddhism 禅 Takahashi Ryutaro 高橋龍太郎 mindfulness マインドフルネス
