検索結果 1 件

  • 要約等A total of 52 gall-inducing species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) (53 in the sorts of midge gall, be......ne poluphagous species was included) ......ed to occur in the Korean Peninsula (including surrounding islands) through lite....... K. Yamagishi and ourselves, and by examining photographs of arthropod galls talen by the late Prof. W. -H. Paik and one of us, JCP. The previous and current identification of these Korean gall midges re......d largely upon their gall morph and host plant species that correspond to those of Japanese gall modges. The identification of these gall midges ......hat some South Korean gall midges were indentical w...
  • 件名Korea Cecidomyiidae gall fauna species recjness
  • 関連情報ESAKIA || 44 || p57-66
