検索結果 1 件

2008-02-28Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University53 1p.193-200
  • 要約等In order to evaluate the phosphorus status of upland soils in Myanmar, 26 upland and 8 lowland ......rent materials in eastern, centr......nd lower parts of Myanmar. Concentrations of total, availab......, organic, and inorganic P were ......ly varied with soils with ranges of 132 to 1414, 1......higher for the soils applied with P fertilizer in all of the four P parameters. In most soils, the available, organic and inorganic P conce...... concentration of total P. In the sequential......fractionation, inorganic P was separated into soluble and ......ed P, and Ca-P in the slightly acid to neutral soils and into Ca_2-P, Ca_8-P, Al-P...
  • 関連情報Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, K......shu University || 53(1) || p187-191 九州大学大学院農学研究院紀要 || 53(1) || p187-191 http:......kyushu-u.ac.jp/index.html
  • 出版者(掲載誌)Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Universit...
