検索結果 4 件

野上 真, 古川 久敬, 柳澤 さおり<Z74-C323>九州大学心理学研究 = Psychological research of Kyushu University10 2009p.93~99
  • 要約等Recent research has again suggested the importance of strategy learning, which leads to improveme...... in the performance of employees within a work organization. The current study simultaneously examined the effects of internal and external criteria (i.e., employe......fort-direction awareness and leaders' directive guidance) for self-regulation on employees' strategy learning. Two questionnaires were administered, six months apart, to 164 employees to examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables longitudinally. Employees'......fort-direction awareness and feedback acquisition displayed direct and significant pro...
  • 件名strategy learning self-regulation effort-direction awareness leader's directive guidance 課題達成方略の学習 自己統制 努力の方向性の意識化 ...
野上, 真, 古川, 久敬, 柳澤, さおり九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院2009-03-31九州大学心理学研究10p.93-99
  • 空間的範囲日本 Japan
  • 件名strategy learning self-regulation effect- direction awareness leader's directive guidance
  • 関連情報九州大学心理学研究 || 10 || p93-99 Kyushu ......ity Psychological Research || 10 || p93-99 http://www.human.kyushu-u.ac.jp/
