検索結果 25 件

宇賀茂三 [著]<UT51-45-Z40>
Shiba, Yoshiki, Kanno, Yoshinobu広島大学歯学会1994-06-01広島大学歯学雑誌26 1p.7-13
武田 正子1976Archivum histologicum japonicum39 4p.257-269
  • 要約等Taste buds of the mouse circumva......ere studied by electron microscopy to elucidate the innervation involving the adrenergic ner......reased density of the membranes and aggregations of synaptic vesicles in the cytoplasm adjacent to the nerve endings,......trated between the type III cells and the nerve endings. Along the regions of contact between the type II cells and the nerve endings, cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum were often seen beneath the cell membrane, and the nerve endings ......nature.<br>For the detection of the adrenergic ner......and nialamide. The mice showed nu......erve fibers in the connective tissue underlying ...
1965-02Developmental Biology11 1p.110-135
  • 参照...or development of lingual papill......istomorphology of mouse circumva......late papillary taste buds before and af...... beam-scanning electron microscope tom......s and a subset of PLCβ2-positive......in adult mouse taste buds Ontogeny and innervation of taste buds in mouse pala......l gustatory epithelium Cell-type ......fic occurrence of apoptosis in taste buds of the rat circumvall......ifferentiation of the Lingual and Pa......l Gustatory Epithelium of the Rat as Reveale......histochemistry of .ALPHA.-Gustdu......n degenerating taste buds of the rat circumvall......al innervation of the palatal gustatory epithelium ...