検索結果 2 件

Tsuyoshi Saito, Sanae-I. Itoh, Masatoshi Yagi<Z14-184>Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University = 九州大学応用力学研究所所報(127) 2004.9p.13~25
  • 要約等The interaction between the universal drift wave and the convective cell in the shearless ......ab geometry is investigated using a kinetic-fluid model based on nonlinear gyro-kinetic equations.......found that the convective cell is nonlinearly excited in a way, which i......eration of ITG turbulence. On the other hand, if we introduce the lar...... is damped and instead the streamer and finite ky modes are excited in the convective cell mode. As the r......de is observed in kz space and the forward/inverse cascade is observed in ky space in the time evolution of energy ...
  • 件名Universal drift wave Convective cell Zonal flow Streamer Nonlinear simulation ......ion collision Kinetic-fluid model
  • 出版者(掲載誌)Fukuoka : Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
斉藤, 剛, 伊藤, 早苗, 矢木, 雅敏Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University2004-09九州大学応用力学研究所所報127p.13-25
  • 件名Universal drift wave Convective cell Zonal flow Streamer Nonlinear simulation ......ion collision Kinetic-fluid model
