検索結果 2 件

張 黎黎, 丸野 俊一<Z74-C323>九州大学心理学研究 = Psychological research of Kyushu University10 2009p.55~60
  • 要約等...e relationship between academic delay of gratification (ADOG) and motivation, as...... addition, the motivational determinants of ADOG (for example, ......tance, utility and task value) and the difference between high and low ADOG students is discussed from the time allocation point of view when they...... consequential and long term academic goals. We review (1) delay of gratification ......al domain, (2) delay of gratification in academic context, and (3) the limitation of current studies and the suggestion for the future...
  • 件名academic delay of gratification ......rning strategy time management 学業場面における満足の遅延 動機付け...
Lili, Zang, 丸野, 俊一九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院2009-03-31九州大学心理学研究10p.55-60
  • 件名academic delay of gratification motivation self-regulated learning strategy time management
  • 関連情報九州大学心理学研究 || 10 || p55-60 Kyushu ......gical Research || 10 || p55-60 http://www.human.kyush...
