検索結果 3 件

筑紫, 二郎, 江口, 弘美Biotron Institute, Kyushu University1991-12BIOTRONICS20p.65-71
  • 件名Cucumis sativus L. cucumber leaf growth air temperature Richards equation non-linear optimization Powell method hysteresis model
  • 関連情報...onment Control and Environmental Biology || 20 || p65-71
  • 要約等A hysteresis model was applied to estimate leaf growth curve of cucumber leaf exposed to changing air temperature. Cucumber plants were treated with low temperature of 15℃ for different periods, and thereafter grown at 25℃ in a growth chamber. Observed data of leaf growth curves were fi......ted by the Richards equation, and were compared with the curves estimated by the model. It was demonstrated that the hysteresis model can be useful for estimating the curves of leaf growth responding to the low temperature treatment.
  • 標準番号(その他)https://hdl.handle.net/2324/8176
  • 件名Cucumis sativus L. cucumber leaf growth air temperature Richards equation non-linear optimization Powell method hysteresis model
  • 要約等A hysteresis model was applied to estimate leaf growth curve of cucumber leaf exposed to changing air temperature. Cucumber plants were treated with low temperature of 15℃ for different periods, and thereafter grown at 25℃ in a growth chamber. Observed data of leaf growth curves were fi......ted by the Richards equation, and were compared with the curves estimated by the model. It was demonstrated that the hysteresis model can be useful for estimating the curves of leaf growth responding to the low temperature treatment.
  • 件名Cucumis sativus L. cucumber leaf growth air temperature Richards equation non-linear optimization Powell method hysteresis model
