検索結果 5 件

edited by Christopher J. Voparil and Richard J. Bernstein.Wiley-Blackwell2010.<HD194-B9>
  • 内容細目...ics Philosophy and the mirror of natu......m, relativism, and irrationalism Nineteenth-......ntury idealism and twentieth-cent......ism, Davidson, and truth Twenty-f......s after Putnam and the relativist menace Analytic and conversational......, as metaphor, and as politics So......or objectivity The priority of de......ilosophy Freud and moral reflecti...... Private irony and liberal hope Pragmatism, literature, and democracy The humanistic int......lectual eleven theses Philosophers, novelists, and intercultural ......gger, Kundera, and Dickens De man and the American cultu...... left Feminism and pragmatism Human rights, rati...
ウエイン・シューメイカー 著 ; 本田錦一郎 共訳 ; 北市陽一 共訳文理1973
  • 並列タイトル等原タイトル:Literature and the irrational
