検索結果 6 件

Kazuya Yamane and Yuudai Kato, editors.Nova Science Publishersc2012.<RA221-B65>
  • 内容細目Flavonoids : recent insights on their biological action / Salvatore Chirumbolo Pharmacokinetic variability of dietary phenolic acids and flavonoids in relation to chemical and biological factors / Nabil Semmar, Asma Hammami-Semmar Modification of flavonoid structure by oxovanadium (IV) complexation : biological effects / Evelina G. Ferrer, Patricia A.M. Williams Flavonoids and its contribution to a healthier life / Maria do Rosário Bronze, Maria Eduardo Figueira, Elsa Mecha Effects of some domestic cooking methods on antioxidant activity, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals content / Irene Dini Health effects on flavonoids and ...
  • NDLCRA221
  • 件名Flavonoids.
  • 内容細目Basic statistical concepts / Hoang Pham Statistical reliability with applications / Paul Kvam, Jye-Chyi Lu ...... distributions and their applications / Chin-Diew Lai, D. N. Pra Murthy, Min Xie Characterizations of probability distributions / H. N. Nagaraja Two-dimensional failure modeling / D. N. Pra Murthy ... [et. al] Prediction intervals for reliability growth models with small sample sizes / Jo......igley, Lesley Walls Promotional warranty policies : analysis and perspectives / Jun Bai, Hoang Pham Stationary marked point processes / Karl Sigman Modeling and analyzing yield, burn-in and reliability for semiconductor manuf...
  • LCCTA340
  • NDLCYU111 MA211
Guilford Pressc2008.<X>
  • 内容細目pt. 1. Interdisciplinary foundations 1. The philosophy of emotions / Rob......mon 2. History of emotions : issues of change and impact / Peter N. Stearns 3. The sociology of emotions / Jane E. Stets and Jonathan H. Turner 4. The affective brain and core conscio......: how does neural activity generate emotional feelings? / Jaak Panksepp 5. The p......logists' point of view / Nico H. Frijda 6. The clinical application of emotion in psychotherapy / Leslie S. ......otions, music, and literature / P.N. Johnson-Laird and Keith Oatley 8. The evolutionary psychology of the emotions and their relationship to internal regulatory variables / John ...
  • 件名Emotions. Emotions -- Sociological aspects. Emoties. Gefühl.
  • 一般注記Related URL: Table of contents http: //www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy0804/2007042332.htm...
by B.A. Fuchs and B.V. Shabat ; original translation by J. Berry ; revised and expanded by J.W. ReedPergamon Press1964
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA86523378
  • 一般注記Translation of: Funktsii komp......ikh prilozheniya. 2nd ed. 1959 Misprint in ser...
  • 関連情報International series of monographs on pure and applied mathematics Adiwes international series in mathematics
B.A. Fuchs and B.V. ShabatHindustan Pub.c1962
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA0574223X
  • 関連情報International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics
  • 掲載誌International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics
by B.A. Fuchs and B.V. Shabat ; original translation by J. Berry ; revised and expanded by J.W. ReedPergamon Press1961-1964
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA10958045 BA67770835
  • 一般注記Vol. 2: edited by T. Kövari
  • 関連情報International series of monographs on pure and applied mathematics
