検索結果 1 件

2008-02-01Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series D, Earth and planetary sciences32 1p.97-112
  • 要約等Quantitative analysis of fossil shell a......as carried out in Shinjima Island located in the innermost part of the Kagoshima Bay, South Kyushu, to confirm the change of mollusks’ habitat conditions. In addition, stab......sotopic ratios of carbonate foss......red to clarify the water-mass conditions of the Kagoshima Bay during the past 11,000 years. Both the fossil shell c......ratios clearly indicate that the water-masses in the innermost part of the Kagoshima Bay were influenced strongly by the pelagic water, which replaced the fresh water mass initially present in the paleo-caldera lake. Thus, the pelagic water mass increased ...
  • NII論文ID110006549944
  • 件名...otope Holocene water mass condition Shinjima Kagoshima Bay
