検索結果 2 件

2016-11-21Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series D, Earth and planetary sciences34 1p.1-15
  • 要約等In this paper we present a new kind of wave event found in the ground/sea bac......ttered data of the SuperDARN Hokkaido East radar, located in the mid-latitude area at the AACGM latitude......6.5° (214.7°). The wave event started at the time of an SC at ~09:50 U...... Aug 19, 2009, and continued for about an hour until ~10......ively short-living wave event, p......ably triggered by the SC, could be c......different from the typical type seen in the ground/sea bac......ttered data of SuperDARN radars, i.e., waves which start without a clearly i......fiable trigger and continue for a long t......). Comparisons with ground magnetometer data sugg...
  • 件名SuperDARN Hokkaido East radar mid-latitude observation SC-triggered waves global magnetospheric cavity-mode waves field-line resonance FLR
